The Guild Communication Chair is appointed by the Guild President to serve as liaison between the Guild Board and the event Chairs within the Coordinator’s jurisdiction and the Museum staff members responsible for Membership and Marketing.
The goal is to have one main liaison with the Heard Museum staff members on behalf of the Guild Chair and the Event Chair requests.
Communication Chair responsibilities include:
- Serves as Communication Chair for Guild print and e-mail communications.
- Serves as communication liaison between the Guild Board and Heard Museum staff. This includes, but is not limited to, marketing, publications, social media, and other public relations services.
- The Communication Chair is responsible for general Guild publicity, except for Indian Fair & Market and the Student Art Show & Sale. This includes articles in Happening Now, Earthsong, and social media platforms.
- Indian Fair & Market & Student Art Show & Sale content updates will be submitted to the Communication Chair and the Guild Webmaster when the content is to be published on the Guild Website or Happening Now.
Happening Now
It will be the responsibility of the Communication Chair to maintain content for this bi-weekly newsletter. Board members and event Chairs will submit all content they want to appear in the current issue of Happening Now to the Communications Chair after approval of content by Guild President by the Friday before the Monday’s issue publication.
*All articles should be submitted to the Communications Chair in Word Document of PDF format. All accompanying photos and graphics must be submitted in jpg or gif in separate email.
Contributors will be informed of any required edits or copy changes.
Email “blasts”
An email blast is a communication by email that is sent to all Guild members.
No email blasts may be sent without the authority of the Guild President. These email blasts can be sent from the Guild President or Communications Chair.
Deadlines to keep in mind
- Happening Now is a bi-weekly on-line publication by the Guild for its members. It is published every other Monday morning, usually from September through April. Items are due to the editor at by the end of day on the Friday before publication. Items should be of interest to all Guild members and not directed at a specific group or committee
- Earthsong is a magazine published three times a year by the Heard Museum, in which Guild activities are usually included. It is mailed in paper or digital format to all museum members. Due dates for items vary and announcements will be made regarding deadlines.
Requests for inclusion in Earthsong must be sent to the Guild Communication Chair.
Social media includes Facebook, Instagram, emails to museum members, and other digital platforms. All items for social media must be approved by various levels of senior museum staff which may take several days or even weeks. Unfortunately, it is outside of the Guild’s control as to when or if a social media request is granted.
Requests for inclusion in social media must be sent to the Guild Communication Chair.
Required Content for Submissions for Publication
Under updated Museum staff procedures, any communication going to museum membership must go through several levels of approval. This includes Earthsong and social media. It is very important that you provide all required information for your item to be processed in good time.
This information must be sent to the Guild Communication Chair, not to Museum staff.
All submissions from Event Chairs and Coordinators must provide the following to the Communication Chair:
- Event title
- Date and time
- Location (space must be reserved prior to publication)
- Contact person (be careful with use of personal e-mail addresses and phone numbers)
- Description of event, including where applicable, speaker’s names, tribal affiliation
- Text must be sent in separate email from any images
- Images must be high-resolution and appropriate credit releases obtained to avoid any potential copyright issues (technical details regarding images can be provided on request)
Use of Alias Email Addresses
Alias email addresses are assigned to members of the Guild Board. If you require a new alias email address, please contact the Guild Technology Chair ( with the individual’s name, personal email address and title of alias.
This information also appears on the Heard Guild website (The Guild – Guild Publications Guidelines)
Rev August 2024