Indian Fair & Market Volunteers

There are more than 30 Guild standing committees that work on various aspects of the Indian Fair & Market, plus ad hoc ones that are added as needed to produce the Fair. Some of the activities offer direct contact with the artists while others deal with behind-the-scenes operation. Click here to see the complete list of standing committees along with a brief description of each.

There are positions to fit everyone’s schedule from working nearly full-time to working a shift on Fair weekend. Unless a person is out of town or physically unable to help, everyone in the Guild gets involved in the Fair. It’s fun! This is the Guild’s biggest event and raises the most money for the Museum.

All sorts of skills are needed including marketing, project management, organization, negotiation, design, computer, selling, teaching, clerical, photography, etc. With over 700 time-slots available during the Fair weekend and numerous positions available before the Fair, we will have no trouble matching your skills and available time with meaningful tasks.

We are also always looking for people to step up and take leadership roles. If you think you would like to lead one of the Committees, sign up to work on that Committee to learn about it.  You’re sure to find something that you will enjoy.

Where do I start?

Helping out is as easy as signing up at a Guild meeting, talking to a Chairperson, making a phone call, or writing an e-mail.  Contact to find out more about the Indian Fair & Market opportunities. Come and join the fun!

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