Guild Policy Statements

Code of Ethics

The Heard Museum Guild makes an essential contribution to fulfilling the mission of the Museum which reads,

“The mission of the Heard Museum is to be the world’s preeminent museum    for the presentation, interpretation and advancement of American Indian art, emphasizing its intersection with broader artistic and cultural themes”.

Volunteers share with staff and members of the Board of Trustees a responsibility to support a code of ethical behavior consistent with the public trust accorded the Museum. Guild members should accept responsibility for understanding the policies and programs adopted by the Museum Trustees and support the achievement of these policies and programs. Volunteers should abide by relevant portions of the ethics statement as it is contained in The Collection and Collection Management Policy of the Heard Museum.

Access to the Museum’s inner activities is a privilege, and the lack of material compensation for effort expended in behalf of the Museum in no way frees the volunteer from adherence to the standards that apply to paid staff. Conflicts of interest restrictions placed upon the staff must be explained to volunteers and, where relevant, observed by them. The volunteer must work toward the betterment of the institution and not for personal gain other than the natural satisfaction and enrichment of participating in the Museum.

While the Museum may accord certain special privileges to volunteers, they should not accept gifts, favors, loans or things of value from other parties in connection with carrying out duties for the institution.

Volunteers who deal with the Museum’s collections and interpretive programs work in areas that are especially sensitive. In particular, volunteers may find that they have access to confidential information and should respect that confidentiality as part of the vital support they render to the Museum.

Museum volunteers should consider themselves obligated to fulfill their responsibilities in the same spirit as though they were a part of the paid staff.

Role of the Guild

The Heard Museum Guild supports the mission and goals of the Heard Museum through volunteerism in:

  • Education
  •  Support of American Indian artists and their communities
  •  Enhancement of the visitor experience
  • Public outreach
  •  Fund-raising.


Any change in policy must be approved by the Guild Board of Directors. Any action requiring a change in policy must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the action being taken.

  • Any Guild member may recommend changes in the Policy Statements.
  • Any Guild member wishing to speak before the Board for the purpose of introducing ideas, raising questions, or presenting proposals, should notify the Guild President and request inclusion on the agenda for the intended meeting.  If financial information is involved, it must be reviewed with the Treasurer before presentation to the Board.
  • Reporting an injury/accident:
    • The museum has a procedure in place for reporting any accident or injury
    • All incidents must be reported immediately to Museum Security at(602) 647-7106


The Guild’s fiscal year is October 1 to September 30, the same as the Museum’s fiscal year.

The Treasurer shall consult with the Museum CFO on significant financial issues. The Guild makes a discretionary contribution to the Museum’s Operating Fund at or before the Guild Appreciation Dinner. Each year, in August, the Treasurer will prepare and the President will give the Museum Board of Trustees Finance Committee a projected amount of the contribution for the coming year.


  • Non-budgeted expenditures in excess of $500 shall be incurred and paid only upon approval of the Board of Directors.
  • Checks in excess of $5,000 shall be co-signed by the President or Vice President.
  • Contracts shall be approved by the President, or in his/her absence, by the Vice President of the Board.
  • Contracts over $7,500 must be approved by the Museum COO.
  • Only the following officers shall have authority to sign checks and/or contracts on behalf of the Guild:
    • President – checks and contracts
    • Vice President in the absence of President – checks and contracts
    • Treasurer – checks
  • Dues are to cover at least net Guild Operating Expenses, specifically, Administration, Technology, and Membership net of Dues.

American Indian Student Endowment Fund:

In 2006, the Heard Museum Guild established an American Indian Student Workshop Endowment Fund. That Fund is now renamed the American Indian Student Endowment Fund. During the 2011 Museum audit, the fund was reclassified as a Board of Trustees Designated Fund. The earnings from this endowment and the principal shall be used to offset the costs of conducting programs and activities that directly impact American Indian students including workshops, scholarships, school grants, Student Art Show, internships, and other related activities. In 2016, the Board of Trustees approved the Guild’s request for annual draws of up to 4% of the principal, as long as the principal remains at $250,000.

  • During the Guild budgeting process, the Executive Committee decides and the Board approves how much of the fund, if any, shall be used to support these activities. The Treasurer will request the withdrawal of such funds from the Museum CFO in a timely manner, usually in November.
  • At the conclusion of each annual Museum audit, a fund report is received from the Museum.
  • In the event the Guild terminates its involvement with American Indian Students, the Guild Board will recommend disposition of the Fund subject to Guild approval.

Indian Arts and Crafts Association Award Fund:

In 2020, the Heard Museum Guild established an Indian Arts and Crafts Association Award Fund. The earnings from this fund and the principal can only be used to fund the Indian Arts and Crafts Association Commemorative Award, to be presented at the annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair and Market.

  • Under the agreement terms the annual award will be $1,500. The award will increase by the same amount that the Best of Class award increases every year, provided there are sufficient funds to provide a minimum of ten annual awards.
  • The Treasurer will request the withdrawal of such funds from the Museum CFO in a timely manner.
  • At the conclusion of each annual Museum audit, a fund report is received from the Museum.


Monetary Donations:

Cash, check, or credit card donations may be made to the Guild and designated to support one of the following Guild programs:

  1. Guild General Use (4800.3050.32)
  2. Indian Fair & Market (overall) (4850.3100.32)
  3. Best of Show Evening (4850.3150.32)
  4. Juried Competition Awards (for the Artists) (4850.3175.32)
  5. Student Art Show (overall) (4850.3200.32)
  6. Las Guias Class (4850.3500.32)
  7. Staff Appreciation Luncheon (4850.3810.32)
  8. Holiday Brunch (4850.3820.32)
  9. Katsina Market (4850.3830.32)
  10. Interns and Teacher Grants (4850.3900.32)

In-Kind Donations:

In-kind donations that offset some specific Guild expense, for example, catering at BOS, are made through the appropriate Guild Chairperson or Coordinator.  Documentation of the donation should appear on the invoice for the service or in some written form so it can be recorded by the Treasurer.

Donation of Items:

Non-financial items for donation to the Guild such as fruit for the Fair or art objects for raffles or as awards may be accepted by the Guild. In no case should a value be placed on a donated item.  Valuation is the donor’s responsibility.

Memorial or Tribute Donations:

  • Donations made as a memorial or a tribute which are not designated for any specific purpose will be deposited to Museum accounts.
  • Donations made as a memorial or a tribute which are designated for an existing Guild program, will be deposited to Guild accounts. See list above for existing Guild programs.
  • Donations made to the Guild as a memorial or a tribute which are designated for a unique gift or project which is not an existing Guild program may be received by the Guild with the approval of the Guild President and/or the Museum Chief Operating Officer as appropriate.

Donation Acknowledgement:

Donations to the Guild, monetary, in-kind, or an item, should be acknowledged by the appropriate Guild Chair or Coordinator on Guild stationery.  If the donation is for Guild General Use (unrestricted), the Secretary, on notice from the Treasurer, will write the letter on behalf of the Guild.

The Guild Treasurer records all donations, notifies the appropriate Guild Chair, the Guild President, and the museum staff.  In turn museum staff sends the donor a thank you letter as well as providing the necessary tax information required by the IRS.  In no case should a value be placed on a donated item.  Only the value of cash donations is included in the thank you letter.

Indian Fair & Market

The Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair and Market follows the guidance of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 in accepting artists. That Act states: “An Indian is defined as a member of any federally or State recognized tribe, or an individual certified as an artisan by an Indian tribe.” In addition, the Fair accepts Canadian Status Indians.  In all cases the Guild requires copies of relevant documentation.

Miscellaneous Policies

Guild Members:

  • A Guild member whose responsibilities require his/her presence at an event shall not pay for admittance to that event.
  • Guild members and Museum staff members may not accept monetary honoraria for judging at Guild events or for any other purpose.
  • No Guild monies will be used for refreshments for Guild members, unless included in an approved committee budget.

Multi-day Guild trips:

  • Guild members will be given first choice.
  • Due to cancellation fees imposed by travel companies and agencies, it may be necessary to deduct $100 or more from a returned deposit.

Guest speakers or artists:

  • An artist speaking at a Guild meeting or a Guild education class may sell his or her own work. A speaker representing a Native American Co-op may sell the works produced by the co-op at the Guild meeting or education class.
  • The Guild will adhere to Museum guidelines regarding payment of fees, expenses, and honoraria for speakers, demonstrators, and other invited presenters.  All such items must be included in the annual budgeting process.


  • All fundraising activities shall be developed in consultation with the Museum Director and staff.

Mailing process for Guild members:

When postage is needed to be added to a Guild mailing:

  • Bring the completed, sealed, addressed packages or envelopes to the Supply Room and place them in a USPS bin near the postage meter.
  • Alert Heard Museum Membership staff that the packages need to have postage added.
  • Do not drop off packages without confirming with Heard Museum staff, as they may go unnoticed and placed in the mail with no postage.
  • If it is a large mailing, alert Heard Museum Membership staff at least one day in advance to allow staff time to plan for processing the postage.

Service Time & Awards Policy

Guild volunteers are necessary for almost every aspect of Museum operations. Volunteer service is also a critical metric for the Museum in preparing grant and sponsorship proposals. Importantly, the accurate recording of service hours has become increasingly significant as the Museum considers all areas of Guild operations and volunteer services supporting the Museum, recorded as volunteer hours, as part of the Guild’s contribution to the Museum. Accordingly, the Guild requires all volunteers to track and record service hours spent in direct support of Guild and/or Museum activities.

Volunteer time shall be recorded electronically by the Guild member throughout the year in the My Records page of the Guild’s website ( If the Guild member has no computer access, the computer in the Guild Room may be used to record hours. Failing this, the member may, at any time, submit a paper record of hours in the Guild Room or to the Chair of the Service Awards Committee, who will record the hours electronically. It is the responsibility of each Guild member to record those hours by March 31 of each year. Any hours recorded after that date will be included in the following year’s statistics.

The Service Awards Chair, with the help of the Technology Chair, will give directions on how to record hours on the Guild website. The Service Awards Chair totals the cumulative hours for the annual report and for the Museum and keeps paper records for those without computer access. There shall be no time limit for earning an award. Members with a break in their service may combine their hours.

As stated above, time spent supporting Guild and/or Museum activities must be recorded. While not inclusive, such activities include:

  1. Mandatory training for Las Guias, Shop, Information Desk, and Library. The Education Coordinator will determine the hours allowed for training activities required for prospective Las Guias members.
  2. Service supporting ongoing Guild activities, for example, the Indian Fair and Market, Youth Art Show and Sale, Notecards, guiding, Shop and Bookstore support, Library service, and Information Desk.
  3. Service supporting intermittent Guild activities such as hospitality support for Guild/Museum functions, attendance at Guild meetings, attendance at Guild/Museum sponsored educational talks or courses.
  4. Administrative support provided to Guild or Museum activities.
  5. Management or oversight provided to Guild Committees as well as work done in direct support to those committees.

Commute time to and from volunteer activities shall be included in allowable volunteer time. Work done from home or other remote locations in support of Guild and/or Museum activities is allowable. This would include such activities as phone conversations, drafting work materials, etc. Questions concerning allowable time will be addressed by the Service Awards Chair or their designee.

Service Awards

General Awards

  • 400 annual hours: one-time discount in Museum Shop
  • 1,500 lifetime hours: $100 gift card to the Museum Shop
  • 2,500 lifetime hours: $150 gift card to the Museum Shop
  • 5,000 lifetime hours: $200 gift card to the Museum Shop
  • 7,500 lifetime hours: $250 gift card to the Museum Shop
  • 10,000 lifetime hours: $300 gift card to the Museum Shop and new name badge with accumulated hours

Education Awards*

  • Education may recognize a Guide(s) for Outstanding Performance selected by the Las Guias Education Coordinator and other Las Guias committee chairs.
  • Guides who attain 20 years of guiding will be recognized with an award and will be considered lifetime Las Guias members, be allowed to wear the brown Las Guias badge, and attend all the Las Guias functions even if they are no longer touring.

Museum Services Awards*

  • Billie Jane Baguley Library and Archives:
    The Library and Archives Volunteer of the Year is selected by Library staff.
  • Information Desk:
    The Information Desk Volunteer of the Year is selected by the Museum Services Coordinator with input from Information Desk volunteers and related Museum staff.
  • Heard Museum Shop and Bookstore:
    The Shop Volunteer of the Year is selected by the Shop Committee with input from Shop staff.

Special Awards*

  • A Special Achievement award may be given to recognize an original and outstanding project developed by the person or persons receiving this award.
  • A Special Recognition award may be given for Continuation of an Existing Project. This award is given to recognize a person for the time and dedication he or she shows to an existing project.
  • To be nominated for a Special Award, the Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee must receive a written nomination from a current Guild member by mid-March. A person cannot nominate themselves.
  • A committee consisting of past Presidents and/or members of the Executive Committee will review the nomination(s) and agree by majority vote on any award to be made.
  • Winners of a Special Award will be recognized at the Guild Appreciation Dinner. Special Awards are not limited by number – no awards may be given, or more than one award may be given in either category.

President’s Award*

  • The President’s Ketoh, with turquoise, necklace or bolo will be presented to the Guild President upon completion of his or her term of Office.

Guild Lifetime Achievement Award

This award will honor those volunteers who have dedicated many years of service to the Guild.

  • Criteria for this award are:
    • Must be a current member of the Heard Museum Guild
    • Have a minimum of 15 years of service in the Guild
    • Extensive service to the Guild and Museum
    • Willingness and ability to attend the award ceremony
  • The Guild Awards Committee Chair is responsible for organizing and chairing a committee to meet and choose the honorees.
  • The committee will choose not more than 6 recipients. There is no minimum number.
  • At the Guild Holiday Brunch recipients will receive a corsage or boutonniere, and later, a group and individual photograph.

*The Education Award, Museum Services Awards, Special Awards shall be given a Ketoh necklace or bolo, with turquoise. When supply runs out, we can move to gift cards of $100 each. The above awards will also be noted on the Guild website.

Museum Guest Security Policy

Criminal Background Check:

In accordance with Museum policy to assure the safety and well-being of Museum guests, all Las Guias members shall have a criminal background check. The results and information associated with background checks shall be safeguarded in accordance with both Guild and Museum privacy policy.

Signing In and Out:

In order to comply with the Museum Visitor Access Control Policy as it relates specifically to Guild members, the following is adopted as Guild Policy:

Signing in and signing out at the Receiving Security Desk is required when a Guild member:

  • Is performing an assigned duty in the main Museum building, such as Info Desk, Library, Guide, etc.
  • Is attending a meeting in the Guild Conference Room, or
  • Has business in Museum Administration

Shop volunteers may sign in and out in their respective work areas. No signing in or out is required for meetings scheduled through Museum Administration in Dorrance or Steele such as Guild monthly meetings, Guild Board meetings, or Education meetings.  Security knows those meetings are taking place and the scheduled times for the meetings.

Privacy Policy


The Heard Museum Guild, in close association with the Heard Museum, values the personal information of its members. To comply with the U.S. Privacy Act and Federal regulations, the Guild Board has established a Member Privacy Policy.


This Member Privacy Policy document delineates the directives and guidelines used to maintain the privacy of Guild members. A separate Internet Security Policy Statement addresses in more detail the security of electronic information.


The Guild Technology and Communications Committees will review this policy statement annually and submit changes as necessary to the Heard Guild Museum Board for approval.

Member Privacy Policy:

Guild member names and contact information are considered private and strict controls will be used to ensure member privacy. The Guild will not share personal information, including member lists and contact information, of any of its members with other entities or non-profit organizations. The only exception to this sharing policy is the Heard Museum and its staff.

To support Guild operations and events, member information must be available to current Guild members. That information will, however, be safeguarded on a password protected website.

A member may choose not to have his/her contact information published on the Guild website or in the Guild newsletter. A member may at any time change his/her preference for publication of name and contact information. Such requests should be  made to the Membership Committee Chair. These records will be maintained by the Guild’s Membership Chair.

The following are specific privacy policies:

  • Unless a member has opted out, name and contact information will be published in the Guild’s Membership Roster in the members-only section of the Guild website. Contact information will be limited to mailing address, phone number(s), and email address.
  • The Guild uses photographs of its members and the general public to portray key Guild events and activities. When photographs are associated with a member’s name, permission will be obtained from the Guild member.
  • The Guild uses electronic and written formats to communicate with members. As much as possible, generic email groups will be used to communicate with members to ensure that individual email addresses are not visible.
  • The Guild publishes a bi-weekly newsletter that is distributed electronically and is posted on the Guild website. If a member submits an article with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.
  • The Guild maintains a private and secure database of its members. This database stores information on all present and past members and is used to manage data necessary for the Guild to perform its operations and obtain grants for the Heard Museum. The information is only accessible to the Heard Guild Membership, and the Communications and Technology Committees who, on request, provide reports to Guild committees or the Heard Museum. These reports, whether electronic or printed, are kept private and used only for the business of Guild committees and the Heard Museum.

Internet Security Policy


The Heard Museum Guild, in close association with the Heard Museum, maintains a presence on the World Wide Web with both public and member only access. To govern the Guild’s website and comply with Federal regulations, the Guild Board has established an Internet Security Policy.


This Internet Security Policy document delineates the directives and guidelines used to secure the Heard Museum Guild’s website and the use of email to contact Guild members. A separate Privacy Policy Statement addresses more generally the protection of members’ personal information.


The Guild Technology and Communications Committees will review this policy statement annually and submit changes as necessary to the Heard Guild Museum Board for approval.

 Internet Security Policies:

The Heard Museum Guild maintains one website that is fully open to public access with password restrictions for members use only when accessing content with member’s personal information. The following specific actions will be taken:

  • To ensure the privacy of Guild members, only the names of key Guild committees will be published on the public site.
  • When specific contact information is required, generic names and email addresses will be used as much as is feasible.
  • If a member submits text to be posted on the website with his/her contact information, it will be modified to use generic contact information.
  • When membership and monetary transactions are involved, trusted Internet software will be used to ensure the privacy and security of existing/new members and the general public making ticket purchases or reservations, as well as merchandise purchases. Extensive diligence will be taken to protect credit card and financial information.

Members-Only Content:

Access to the Heard Museum Guild’s members-only content will be limited to current Guild members and will be protected by standard login identifications and passwords. The logins and passwords will be established, maintained, and modified by the Guild Communications Committee. The following specific actions will be taken:

  • Any Guild member lists, contact information, photographs, or documents shall be maintained in a secure environment, with access limited by means of passwords to authorized Guild members and Heard Museum staff.
  • Information identified by the Guild President as sensitive and requiring additional protection will require an extra password to limit availability to select members.
  • When specific contact information is required, generic names and e-mail addresses will be used as much as is feasible.
  • If a member submits text to be posted on the members-only site with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.
  • When membership and monetary transactions are involved, trusted Internet software will be used to ensure the privacy and security of existing/new members and their ticket purchases or reservation fee payments as well as merchandise purchases. Extensive diligence will be taken to protect credit card and financial information.
  • The Guild publishes a bi-weekly newsletter that is distributed electronically and is posted on the Guild website. If a member submits an article with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.
  • The Guild maintains a private and secure database of its members. This database stores information on all present and past members and is used to manage data necessary for the Guild to perform its operations and obtain grants for the Heard Museum. The information is only accessible to the Heard Guild Membership, and the Communications and Technology Committees who, on request, provide reports to Guild committees or the Heard Museum. These reports, whether electronic or printed, are kept private and used only for the business of Guild committees and the Heard Museum.

 Las Guias, Shop, and Information Desk Only Content:

Access to the Las Guias, Shop, and Information Desk specific content on the Heard Museum Guild’s website will be limited to current Guild volunteers assigned to and volunteering in those areas. The specific functional content will be protected by standard passwords. The logins and passwords will be established, maintained, and modified by the Guild Communications Committee. The following specific actions will be taken:

  • Las Guias, Shop, and Information Desk member lists, contact information, photographs, or documents shall be maintained in a secure environment, with access limited by means of a password to authorized Guild members and Heard Museum staff.
  • Standard login identifications and passwords will be changed on a periodic basis.
  • Information identified by the Guild President as sensitive and requiring additional protection, will require an extra password to limit availability to select members.
  • When specific contact information is required, generic names and email addresses will be used as much as is feasible. If a member submits text to be posted on the member-only site with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.

Email Mass Distribution Policy


The Heard Museum Guild recognizes the efficiency of corresponding with its Members via email. These messages sent to the membership are unsolicited emails. Although sending emails is often the easiest and fastest way to communicate with Members, email that is useful to one member may be perceived as “spam” by others.


This purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and procedures for the distribution of information to Guild Members via mass email.


The Guild publishes a bi-weekly newsletter, Happening Now. Announcements, requests for volunteers, and information of interest to all members are types of items that can be included. Submissions to Happening Now should be sent to the editor at The deadline for submissions is the Friday before Monday publication. Happening Now is usually not distributed from May-August.

Mass email should only be used to distribute information of an official, critical, or time sensitive nature that must be brought to the attention of the entire Guild community or a significant portion of the Guild community. Information not meeting these criteria should be sent via personal email.  The Guild President and Secretary, or their designated representatives, are the only Guild members authorized to send mass emails.

Examples of acceptable mass distribution are:

  • Communications from the Guild Board to the general membership.
  • Las Guias communications. A separate email distribution list is maintained and limited to use by Las Guias members. See procedure on the Las Guias website for sending a mass email to Las Guias members. Note: Noticias is sent to Las Guias directly from the Museum, not from the Guild Las Guias email distribution.
  • Shop and Information Desk volunteer communications. Separate email distribution lists are maintained and limited to use by Shop and Information Desk members. See procedures in the Shop and Information Desk website areas for sending emails to Shop and Information Desk volunteers.
  • Social announcements to notify members of a death, funeral, or memorial services or illness of a member. Thank-you messages as a follow up to these emails should be done on an individual basis (since they do not apply to the entire Guild community).



Revised 4/2024

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