Guild Education Coordinator


The Guild Museum Education Coordinator is appointed by the Guild President to serve as liaison between the Guild Board of Directors and the various Education committee chairs, directors, facilitators and committee members. The Guild Education Coordinator also serves as liaison to the Museum Education Department.

Duties of the Education Coordinator:  The Education Coordinator

  • Accepts and carries out such duties as may be assigned by the Guild Board President in addition to those duties set forth herein.
  • Works closely with Museum Education Director to establish and maintain Guild Educational Programs which closely align with the Museum’s mission statement.
  • Attends all meetings of the Guild Board and other meetings as required by the Guild President.
  • Reviews the content of the Guild website to determine the accuracy of the information under the purview of the Guild Education Coordinator and makes changes as needed.
  • At the end of the year, reviews the Education Coordinator job description as posted on the Guild website, makes any changes needed.
  • At the end of the year, reviews any changes to job and/or committee descriptions submitted by Committee Chairs, program Directors or Facilitators, makes necessary changes and submits them to the webmaster for posting online.
  • Acknowledges by thank you note or other means, appreciation for work done by Committee Chairs, Directors and/or Facilitators of Education Programs.

Tasks:  The Education Coordinator

  • appoints and trains Education Committee Chairs, Directors and Facilitators who constitute the membership of the Education Council. This includes Attendance Recorder, Tune-Up Chair, Las Guias Class Facilitators, New Exhibit Training Chair, Performance Advisory Committee Chair, Director of Short Courses, Director of Docent to Docent, and Director of Docent Exchange.
  • receives progress reports from the Education Committees and Directors of Education programs and gives the information contained in these reports to the Guild Board and reports back to the committees and programs information from the Board meetings.
  • shall chair the Education Council and periodically call meetings as necessary which are open to all Las Guias members. The Museum Director of Education shall be invited to these meetings.
  • shall participate in all Guild Education offerings and present them, or appoint someone else to present them, to the Museum Education Director for final approval.
  • shall schedule and chair a meeting in mid-March to select the Josephine Schupp and Pat Redinger Awards using the criteria established for these awards and give the names of those selected to the Chair of the Service Awards Committee.
  • shall present Education awards at the Spring Guild Appreciation Dinner.
  • shall represent Las Guias at the Museum Program Staff quarterly meetings, and report to the Guild Board.
  • shall monitor quarterly the attendance records submitted by the Las Guias Attendance Recorder for required Las Guias events and determine if any action is needed to be taken if class members are not meeting the necessary requirements.
  • shall, upon receipt of a resignation from a Las Guias member, send a thank you letter for services rendered.
  • shall submit an Annual Report as determined by the Guild Board.

Time Line:  Duties are ongoing throughout the year.

Summer:  The Education Coordinator shall

  • review and make needed changes to the Education sections of the Guild website.
  • submit a budget to the Guild Treasurer upon request by the President or Treasurer.
  • oversee the Tune-Up Committee’s plans for the following year.
  • oversee the Short Course Director’s plans for the following year.
  • oversee the Docent to Docent plans for the following year.
  • oversee plans for Docent Exchange if it is a year when the Heard Museum is the host.
  • oversee planning, and recruitment of members, for the Las Guias class for the following year.
  • work with the Museum Education Director to provide follow up and options for guides who have not met tour requirements.
  • meet with incoming chair and provide documentation of job description, responsibilities and accomplishments.

The Heard Museum Guild Board encourages innovation and process improvement, but new initiatives and/or different approaches, activities, or actions must be discussed with the assigned Coordinator and/or Guild Executive Committee and, if necessary, approved by the Guild Board and/or Museum.




Rev. July 2018