The Heard Museum Guild website is now part of the Heard Museum website

The Heard Museum Guild website is now part of the Heard Museum website


The website for the Heard Museum Guild ( has been merged with the Heard Museum’s website (! Now you can keep up to date on events and exhibits at the Museum while you’re getting information about the Guild.


If you’re looking for general information about the Heard Museum Guild (volunteer opportunities, list of Guild committees, etc.), click here


Log in here or use the VicNet app on your phone if you want to:

♦  Record your volunteer hours

♦  See tour scheduling information

♦  Schedule your shifts at the Information Desk or in the Shop/Books & More

♦  Watch the Guild Videos

♦  Update your profile

♦  Change your VicNet password


Looking for Guild Member events? Visit the Heard Museum calendar here, and under the “Who” filter, select “Guild” to see events just for you!

Heard Museum Guild NEW 2025 Short Course…

Home: Native Peoples in the Southwest


Come meet the indigenous people who have lived in the Southwest for thousands of years and those who are thriving today! This 3-part course will include overviews of the land, culture, art and history of the ancestral people as well as the current federally recognized tribes and pueblos in Arizona and New Mexico. Following each classroom presentation, a Heard Museum guide will take you on an optional 30-minute tour of related exhibits and sculptures in the Museum. Whether you have lived in the Phoenix area for years or are new to the Southwest, this is your opportunity to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Native Americans who call the Southwest HOME.


Open to Museum members and the public.


Thursdays: January 30, February 6, and February 13, 2025
9:30 AM: Sign In/Coffee
10:00 AM to Noon: Presentation
12-12:30 PM: Tour in Museum (optional)


Location: Monte Vista Room, Heard Museum


Instructors/Course Content
January 30: Kathie McIsaac, Instructor; Jerry Cowdrey, Tour Guide
History of the Indigenous peoples of Arizona and their unique connections to – and loss
of – their land.


February 6: Cozette Matthews, Instructor; Jeff Ross, Tour Guide
History of the peoples and culture of New Mexico, including migration patterns and impact of the Spanish.


February 13: Linda Hefter, Instructor & Tour Guide
History of the Indian Boarding Schools in America and their impact on the Native American Fine Arts Movement.


Short Course Fee:
$40.00 for the entire Course: Purchase here


Pre-Registration & Payment are required by Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 5 PM AZ time.
Registration is limited to 65 attendees.


Questions? Contact Co-Chairs at:

Youth Art Show & Sale Registration is Now Open

Follow this link to get complete information and to register.

Heard Guild Indian Fair & Market

IF+M applications are closed.



Las Guias Class of 2023-2024 Graduation

The April 17 Guild Meeting included the graduation ceremony for the newest Las Guias class. There were 16 graduates this year. The graduates and their mentors came to the front of the Steele Auditorium. As Ann Marshall called each graduate’s name, the new Guide came forward and Dale Baker handed them their brown badges. Congratulations to all the graduates!

2024 Heard Guild Indian Fair & Market

Turquoise Divider

The Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market (IF&M) is one of the largest American Indian art markets in the world and draws nearly 15,000 visitors and more than 600 of the nation’s most preeminent American Indian artists.


IF&M provides the opportunity to meet and purchase art directly from multiple generations of artists working in all forms of the visual arts. All proceeds from ticket sales support the Heard Museum’s mission of advancing American Indian art.


Best of Show (detail above)
Hollis Chitto
Mississippi Choctaw, Laguna/Isleta Pueblos
“Napakanli Um Okla Imma (Flowers for my Family)
Beaded Bandolier Bag”


2024 Best of Show Winner List


2024 Youth Art Show & Sale 

2024 Youth Art & Show
Best of Show Winner List



Find Your Ideal Way to Connect with Us


The Heard Museum Guild volunteers actively engage in all aspects of museum life.  This dynamic and talented group leads gallery tours, promotes sales in our gift shop and bookstore, greets and assists museum visitors, conducts research in the library, designs educational programs, and plans and implements special events and projects such as the annual Indian Fair & Market and Youth Art Show & Sale.
Volunteer roles and schedules are flexible to meet the demands of everyone’s busy lives.


Guild members take advantage of a robust calendar of events including lectures, training sessions, tours of local galleries and places of interest, exclusive multi-day trips and more!  In addition, Guild meetings are held every third Wednesday of the month, and the Guild newsletter, Happening Now, is published bi-weekly.


Volunteer roles are available in the following areas: Visitor Guiding, Information Desk, Library Research, Museum Shops, Special Events: Indian Fair & Market, Youth Art Show & Sale, Heard Staff assistance, and more.


Registration Open for 2024-2025 Las Guias Docent Training Program
Click Here for Details and Application Form.
Questions may be directed to Jackie Stubbs at

Heard Guild Explores HuHuGam Ki Museum

huhugamThank you so much for arranging the visit to the Salt River, Maricopa, Pima reservation.  Two decades ago I drove past the buildings on Longmore road on a daily basis while commuting to work.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to participate in a small group tour of the museum and hear first hand about the history of changes impacting those very buildings and the peoples who inhabited them this past century.  It was really exciting.

Despite my love of food I was not anticipating having so much fun watching a demonstration of tortilla making and getting to make my own.  The dried cholla buds in my pantry are now calling to me.  I am going to  add them to my salads asap.  I would love to repeat this same visit next year.

You do such a great job arranging these trips.  I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts.

~ Anita

Kudos for Guild Trip to Hopi Land

“The Heard Museum Guild trip to Hopi Land exceeded our expectations to learn about Hopi Land, the culture, and the people. The trip coordinators;-Shelley Mowry from The Heard Museum Guild, Stephen Bernier from South of the Border Tours, and Mark Bahti as our guide-provided an informative and memorable experience The planned tours enriched our knowledge of the Hopi culture as artisans, farmers, and guides opened their homes and hearts to our group. The trip was organized, meaningful-and fun! We look forward to future trips and events with The Heard Museum Guild.”
~ Pat Mathios

Want to join in the fun? Travel with Us!